CSOM Writing Rubric

Articulates a position in a central thesis Articulates a well-defined position, purpose, or thesis Articulates a position, purpose, or thesis Articulates no position, purpose, or thesis; or it is unclear
Summarizes ideas, texts, or events effectively Summarizes ideas, texts, or events accurately and adequately Summarizes ideas, texts, or events accurately Summarizes ideas, texts, or events inadequately, if at all
Communicates information using graphics and/or visuals that are appropriate to the audience and content Tailors visuals to the audience and content Includes visuals for the audience and content Does not include visuals, or includes visuals inappropriate for the audience and content
Employs audience-relevant theories, concepts, data and/ or evidence to justify conclusions or recommendations Justifies conclusions or findings with evidence, concepts, theories, and/or data that the audience will find compelling and persuasive Justifies conclusions or findings with relevant evidence, concepts, theories, and/or data Lacks evidence to support conclusions or recommendations, or evidence used is not appropriate for the audience
Bases argument and conclusions on situational and/or organizational context Argument and conclusions demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the given context Argument and conclusions demonstrate a some understanding of the given context Argument and conclusions are inappropriate in the given context
Recognizes and addresses counterarguments or alternatives Addresses counterarguments and alternatives thoroughly Addresses counterarguments and alternatives Overlooks counterarguments and alternatives
dentifies an organization's key competencies using an analytical framework Identifies an organization’s key competencies incisively using a cogent analytical framework Identifies an organization’s key competencies using an analytical framework Does not identify an organization’s key competencies adequately; lacks an analytical framework, or misunderstands that framework
Bases analysis on disciplinary theories Connects deeply with key disciplinary theories and concepts Employs key disciplinary theories and concepts Fails to employ key disciplinary theories and concepts, or employs them insufficiently
Effectively organized-- sequences most important arguments first The writer has correctly identified the key points and recommendations and put them at the beginning of the document; subsequent points are organized persuasively with each point building to the next The writer puts most of the most important points and recommendations in the beginning; the organization pattern is mostly effective The main points are not given until later in the document; the organizational pattern is confusing
Is designed for easy reading (skimming, headings, bullets) The document includes clear headings, bullets, and formatting to help readers skim quickly; it is easy to pick out the main points without reading the whole document The document includes some headings, bullets, and formatting to help readers skim, but they may have some trouble easily finding all key points The document lacks headings, bullets, or formatting to help readers skim. Document looks text-heavy
Uses plain English; Avoids unnecessary words Language is direct, audience-appropriate, and concise Language is mostly concise with minimal use of passive voice or excess verbiage Passive voice is common, sentences are often wordy, writer rambles
Uses an engaging style The writing is interesting and audience-focused The writing is somewhat interesting and audience-focused The writing is dull; some points may be irrelevant to the audience
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation No errors Minimal errors that do not detract from meaning or credibility Multiple errors that make some sections confusing or hurt the writer’s credibility and professionalism
Uses correct citation formatting to provide source information Cites all outside information using the correct citation format for the document—without errors Cites all outside information using the correct citation format with minimal errors Some citations are missing; the citation format is incorrect